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ADDERView Secure Switch 4 Port Enhanced (VGA, USB, PS2, Card Reader Support)

ADDERView Secure Switch 4 Port Enhanced (VGA, USB, PS2, Card Reader Support)
Art.Nr.: AVSV1104

Enhanced configuration featuring support for card readers.
4 Port KVM Switch.
Tempest level A (level 1) qualified and Common Criteria EAL4+ Certified ( EAL4+ certificates available).

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AdderView Secure AVSV1002
AdderView Secure Switch


The AdderView Secure range of products are highly robust KVM switches for
critical applications. When information absolutely must not be leaked between
systems or networks, the AdderView Secure units combine the necessary
isolation with a desirable ease of use.

AdderView Secure units combine a number of overlapping strategies that are
designed and proven to defeat potential points of infiltration or protect against
user error.

Firstly, all channel switching is controlled only from the front panel buttons. No
keyboard or mouse switching commands are permitted.

Secondly, Data Diodes, implemented within hard-wired electronic circuitry, rather
than software, are liberally employed to ensure that critical data paths can flow
only in one direction. These data diodes ensure that a compromised peripheral, a
keyboard for instance, cannot read information back from a connected system in
order to transfer such details to another system. Whenever a channel is changed,
the connected keyboard and mouse are always powered down and re-initialized
to provide yet another level of protection against hidden peripheral malware.

In general, the role of software within the unit has been reduced to an absolute
minimum to avoid the possibility of subversive reprogramming. Additionally, all
flash memory has been banished from all security critical areas of the design, to
be replaced by one-time programmable storage which cannot be altered.

The outer casing contains extensive shielding to considerably reduce electromagnetic
emissions. Additionally, the casing has been designed with as few apertures as
possible to reduce the possibility of external probing and several primary chassis
screws are concealed by holographic tamper-evident seals to indicate any unauthorized
internal access. Shielding extends also to the internal circuitry with strong levels
of electrical crosstalk isolation between ports to protect against signals from one
computer becoming detectable on another.

AdderView Secure units are available in two port and four port sizes. Each size
can be ordered in standard and enhanced versions. The enhanced versions allow
you to attach a smart card reader that can be securely shared between the
connected systems. The enhanced versions also contain anti-subversion and
authentication features that guard against intrusion and allow you to prove
that the unit is genuine, respectively.

These are just a few of the many strategies and innovations that have been
combined to reinforce the separation between differing systems. Numerous
other defences lie in wait to defeat any potential threat.



  • One-way Data Diodes are used on keyboard and mouse communication channels so that data isolation does not rely on software.
  • The keyboard and mouse are powered down and re-initialized during every channel switch to ensure that they cannot act as transport media for malicious data between computers.
  • Careful shielding and separation strategies are used to ensure that data doesn't crosstalk between channels or leak to the outside world via radiated or conducted mechanisms.
  • Common keyboard, mouse and video monitor are able to access multiple high security computers/networks, safe in the knowledge that data will not be transferred from one
    to another, either by user error or subversive attack.
  • Channel switching is by physical button press only, no keyboard or mouse codes are permitted.
  • Individually colored indicators provide clear visual feedback about the currently selected channel.
  • Hard wired One-way Data Diodes enforce a one-way flow on information.


 Standard 2-portStandard 4-portEnhanced 2-portEnhanced 4-port
Uni-directional keyboard / mouse data pathsYESYESYESYES
High port-to-port (>80dB) crosstalk isolationYESYESYESYES
Heavy shielding for low emissionsYESYESYESYES
Single key per port for selectionYESYESYESYES
USB or PS/2 computer connectionsYESYESYESYES
Tamper protection

Secure DDC EDID strategy

Smartcard reader support

Combined keyboard/smartcard reader support  YESYES
Advanced tamper protection / reporting  YESYES
Authentication function





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